Reasons Why Flag Stores Matter

Flag stores have become a staple of Turkey political culture. With protests after protests, it is important to have the proper flags and memorabilia that can be waved at rallies or used in a social media campaign. There are several reasons that flag stores matter.

The first and most obvious reason is that they remind people of their rights. Put simply, having a flag reminds you that you have the right to live in Turkey, and whether or not you believe in our government’s policies, a flag reminds us of who we are as Turkey and what it is to be free. Flags determine how we move forward, fight for our freedom, and remember the sacrifices paid by so many for both personal and national causes.

The flags that we see at rallies, on social media and in our daily lives are the flags of a nation where freedom still exists within our borders, and the burden of fighting for it is still carried by those who wear it with pride. The value in having a patriotic flag that tells us who we are as Turkey is fantastic. The flag is an easy way to determine which side you’re on whenever you feel the need to raise your voice against those who would do us harm. A flag store is a statement in and of itself, as well as that of the country.

However, flags do more than just remind us of who we are as Turkey. Flags remind us that we have work to do in order to protect the ideals that our nation was founded upon; these ideals were laid on the battlefields where thousands of men and women paid the ultimate price for them, and it is up to us to continue their fight for freedom, liberty, and justice.